
Make a lasting impression with a unique logo that reflects your brand identity.

Get in Touch

Your branding doesn't feel like you?

You want a complete branding of your business but don’t know where to start?

You started your business but lack an eyecatching logo?

You don’t know how to translate your story online?

You have a logo but it’s blurry when you try to use it on bigger screens, posters or social media?

We can make your branding resonate

Creative and tailor made solutions

We start with an analysis of your business, values, goals and target audience. We believe that creating an effective branding begins with a deep understanding of who you are and what your business stands for.

Impress with a unique logo

A strong logo is the cornerstone of a succesfull branding - it's the symbol that sets you apart, makes you recognizable and tells your story without words.

Concept to reality

Our process begins with brainstorming and concept development, where we explore and refine different ideas. From there we turn our creativity into concrete designs.

Timeless and versatile

A good branding is versatile and runs trough, not only your online businees but also your physical business, from business cards to billboards. We make sure your brand is not only eye-catching on screen, but also impresses in print and other media.

Let your brand do the work

Whether you need a new logo for your start-up, are considering a total branding or just want to update your current logo, we're ready to help. Contact us today and let us make your brand shine with a unique logo that sticks.

How do create a branding design?


We plan a meeting where we can capture your vision and target audience of your business.

During this intake we ask the right questions to provide you with a draft branding design.


With the information gathered from the intake and in best case some examples you provided we start with the draft design of your brand.


During a call we present to you the draft branding design and the process on how we reached this design.

If you want some adjustments this is the time to let us know.


We provide you with all common filetypes of your logo you could need for digital or printed documents.

You also receive a usefull and handy "Logo Information Document" that provides you with all neccessary information regarding your logo, different filetypes and colors.




  • 1 logotype OR 1 logomark
  • 1 correction round
  • Vector files (.eps, .pdf, .svg)
  • Pixel files (.jpg, .png)
  • Logo Information Document (.pdf)


  • 1 logotype AND 1 logomark
  • Logotype horizontal and vertical
  • Vector files (.eps, .pdf, .svg)
  • Pixel files (.jpg, .png)
  • Social media profile and/or banner formats (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Logo Information Document (.pdf)


  • Intake
  • Corporate identity from A to Z
  • Fonts, colors, ...
  • Delux pack
  • Social Media pack

*prices shown are estimations. You will always receive a detailed offer after our first meeting.

Not sure if your branding needs a redesign?

You need some help chosing the right package for your bussines?

You want to rebrand your business?
Need some Instagram templates or new business cards?

Just send me a quick email or give me a call!

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Get in Touch

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